Descent of the Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Church
44 Sugarloaf Street
South Deerfield , MA 01373
United States
ph: (413) 583-2140
alt: (203) 391-4995
Prayer of St. Basil the Great O Christ, our Master and God, King of the ages and Creator of all, I thank You for all the Good things that You have given to me and for the reception of Your most pure and life-giving Mysteries. I pray You, therefore, O good Lover of mankind, keep me under Your protection in the shadow of Your wings. Grant that with a pure conscience, until my last breath, I may worthily partake of Your Holy Things, for the forgiveness of sins and for life everlasting. For You are the bread of Life, the Fountain of holiness, and the Bestower of blessings, and to You we give glory together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now nad for ever and ever. -Amen
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Prayer of St. John Chrysostom Having been made worthy to partake in a mystical way of Your immaculate Body and precious Blood, O Christ our God, I acclaim and bless, worship and glorify You, and proclaim the greatness of Your saving acts, now and for ever and ever. -Amen
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Prayer of St. John Damascene God, my God, unextinguishable and invisible fire, You make Your angels flaming fire. Out of Your inexpressible love You have given me Your divine Flesh as food, and through this communion of Your immaculate Body and precious Blood You receive me as a partaker of Your divinity. Permeate all my body and soul, all my bones and sinews. Consume my sins in fire. Enlighten my soul and illumine my mind. Sanctify my body and make Your abode in me together with Your blessed Father and all-holy Spirit, that I may always abide in You, through the intercession of Your immaculate Mother and all Your saints. -Amen
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Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos Most holy Lady, Mother of God, light of my darkened soul, my hope, my protection, my refuge, my comfort and my joy, I am grateful that you have enabled me, unworthy as I am, to partake of the most pure Body and precious Blood of Your Son. You bore the true Light; give light to the spiritual eyes of my heart. You bore the fountain of immortality; give life to me made dead by sin. Consume my sins in fire. Kind-hearted Mother of the merciful God, have mercy on me. Give me compunction, contrition of heart, and humility of mind. Recall me from the distractions of my thoughts. Enable me to receive without condemnation and to my last breath the most pure and sanctifying Mysteries for the healing of my soul and body. Grant me tears of repentance and confession so that I may praise and glorify You all the days of my life, for You are blessed and glorified for ever. -Amen |
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Descent of the Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Church
44 Sugarloaf Street
South Deerfield , MA 01373
United States
ph: (413) 583-2140
alt: (203) 391-4995